Classes of membership
The classification of members is as follows:
Honorary Life Member
An Honorary Life Member shall be a person who has rendered outstanding service in the advancement of the objects of the Association and is elected on the recommendation of the Council by the members at a Biennial General Meeting.
Professional Member
A Professional Member shall be a person: i) who qualifies for registration or who is registered as a natural scientist in the Food Science field of practice, or other field acceptable to Council, in terms of the Natural Scientific Professions Act 2003 (Act No 27 of 2003) or ii) who has applied to, and been accepted by Council as a Professional Member.
A Member shall be a person who does not qualify for Professional Membership, but who is, or has been, actively engaged, or is interested, in any activity related to food science and technology. A Member may apply in writing to the Membership Development Officer or Branch Secretary for upgrading to the rank of Professional Member, stating the grounds for such an application. Branch Committees may also initiate procedures for the upgrading of a Member.
Institution Member
An Institution Member shall be a company, research institution or other body engaged directly, or indirectly, in food science or technology. An Institution Member shall designate one representative, preferably from its senior scientific or technical personnel, to represent the institution in the Association.
Student Member – Food Science and Technology Only
A Student Member shall be a person who is following a course of technical, practical or scientific training, as approved by the Executive Committee of the Council. A student member must re-apply for membership every year.
Custodian Members
This is an exceptional group of companies, research institutions, or other organisations that are engaged directly, or indirectly, in food science or technology and which subscribe to additional principles in promoting and upholding professional standards of competence and integrity in advancing food science and related technologies for the provision of safe and wholesome food. A Custodian Member shall designate one representative, preferably from its senior scientific or technical personnel, to represent the organisation in the Association.
Membership fees 2024 (including VAT)
Professional Members: R 835.00
Members: R 835.00
Institution Members: R 4, 765.00
Custodian Members: R 18, 150.00
Honorary Life Membership: R0.00
Retired Membership: R0.00
Retired Professional Membership: R0.00
International Membership: R 1 028.00
Consultant: R 1 135.01
Student Members: R 250.00
Post Graduate Students: R 298.00
Additional fees for members not resident in the Republic of South Africa
Please note that individuals not resident in South Africa are required to pay an International Membership fee of R 1 028.00.
Voting and non-voting members
For the purposes of nominations and elections, Honorary Life Members, Professional Members, Custodian Members, Institution Members and Members are Voting Members and Student Members are non-Voting Members.
Certificate of Membership
Members shall receive an annual membership certificate when their annual membership fee is paid.
Members are requested to inform the membership officer of any changes in their membership due to emigration or retirement as soon as possible. Members can change their email addresses on the membership platform themselves, if that needs to be done. (Leave the rest then underneath)
Membership of any grade will be suspended if the annual membership fee is not paid by end of February each year.