View a list of current undergraduate and postgraduate students of food science and technology who are SAAFoST members and who are available for in-service training, holiday work, permanent or part time (still studying) employment.
The list is arranged so that students can be selected according to,
- Geographical area of availability (e.g. Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg).
- Type of work preferred (e.g. quality assurance, research and development, etc.)
Prospective employers are invited to approach candidates directly via the contact details provided on the lists.
Please note that all employment arrangements are to be conducted between the Employer and the Student only. SAAFoST is purely the facilitator.
The information published on these lists will be updated every two months. Student members who have not found employment after this period are invited to resubmit their details.
Students have been requested to advise the Membership Development Officer, Irene Burke, immediately if they accept employment so that their names can be removed from the list. Unfortunately, this rarely happens so the list may contain one or two names of individuals already employed. Please contact Irene if you experience any difficulties with this site or service (e-mail: or telephone: 071 870 2633).