This may be awarded to any person for exceptional service to SAAFoST at the discretion of the Council.

The proposal, which may be made by any Professional Member of the Association (in good standing) and seconded by another Professional Member (in good standing) must be motivated in writing and will be circulated with the Agenda papers for discussion and a decision at the next Exco Meeting.

The award will take the form of a framed certificate signed by the President and will be presented at a National SAAFoST function or, if the recipient is unable to attend this, at an appropriate Branch function. The letter of motivation will be held in the SAAFoST archives.

Award recipients

2017 – Jennifer Ricketts
2007 – Ms Brenda Neall
1995 – Prof H J H deMuelenaere
1993 – Marzanjah Ackermann and Gill Loubser